DISC incident reporting system

Our Disc online incident reporting system and app allows Coventry BID to share information amongst its users about low-level crime, offenders, and important business crime related information.
The system, which is predominantly used by retailers, has multiple galleries highlighting offenders as Retail Targets, Persons of Interest, ASB Targets, Identification Sought and amongst others. Alongside these galleries’ users have access to downloadable documents, news updates, alerts and an event calendar.
Each user has the ability to upload incidents to the site which will then be accessed by our team to ensure correct Data Protection measures are covered, uploaded to the back end of the site where it can be linked to the user’s premise and then shared accordingly should the incident meet the correct criteria.
Once a user has uploaded an incident to Disc, the system allows them to view these whenever they want therefore creating a personal database of offenders and incidents for that particular business. The system allows multiple users per premise, with each user having access to the database that is created.
The Councils CCTV control centre have access to Disc accounts and keep up to date with all of the shared information, and we work closely with the Neighbourhood Police Team to ensure they also monitor the Disc system and target the problematic offenders accordingly.
If you would like to understand more about the Disc system, or would like to request a log-in, please contact Adrian or Dan.