Coventry Business Improvement District (BID). Working with our levy payers to make our City Centre a great place to live, work and play. #CovBID
What is a BID?
A Business Improvement District (BID) is a geographically defined area in which rate paying businesses vote to pay a levy to generate funds to enhance the area with agreed aims and initiatives, above and beyond that of the Councils baseline agreements, for a fixed period of time.
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What we do
At Coventry BID our focus for the levy spend is identified by three key priorities, security and environment, enhancing and promoting, and business voice and support. Each priority has a wide range of benefits levy payers can access.
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Meet the team
The Coventry BID team consists of four key employees, with strong support from several local agencies to help achieve the key priorities set out within our business plan.
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Latest from Coventry BID