The BID Team
Joanne Glover
BID Manager
Jo the BID from Coventry City Council’s Licensing team. Jo led on the Best Bar None, Home Office, initiative to support some of our Night Time Economy businesses.
Jo led the BID through a successful ballot to secure a fifth term and is looking forward to working with all the businesses in Coventry City Centre.
Lyndsay Smith
Deputy BID Manager
Lyndsay joined the team in January 2021 as Business Liaison but has recently been promoted to Deputy BID Manager. Having begun her career in retail management she has since gone on to develop her skills in marketing and events management, most recently within a shopping centre environment. Lyndsay has completed training in BID Management with British BIDs.
Lyndsay is passionate about championing businesses, providing a helping hand in any area that support is required. In her spare time you’ll find her in the studio with her guitar or in the kitchen baking and decorating celebration cakes for friends and family.
Sian Gourlay
Street Patrol Team
Sian will play a key role in championing the ‘Ask for Angela’ and ‘Best Bar None’ initiatives. She has been working within the night-time economy sector for twenty years and is keen to support our efforts as we work towards achieving Purple Flag status.
Kavita Chauhan
BID Administrator
With a wealth of experience in customer facing roles, she will be keeping our new CRM system up to date, managing bookings for our brand-new training room facilities, and assisting with day-to-day communication with our levy payers.
Our Board
Coventry BID is governed by a board of directors consisting of, and representing, levy payers across the BID area. The board provide strategic direction and are responsible to stakeholders for the conduct, performance and due governance of Coventry BID Limited.
Joanne Glover
Coventry BID Manager
Coventry BID