Coventry Business Improvement District made significant investment to CCTV over the last term and continues to this term.
The ESU is an accredited CCTV monitoring services and been certified to British Standard ISO 9001:2015 which is ran by the council.
The BIDs continued support means that the ESU are able to monitor incidents in the city centre.
In 2023 investment was made into enhancing the link of the EHU and West Midlands Police meaning that at TEA2 licence was obtained leading to a direct link.
Our agreement with the EHU is –
- EHU will provide a radio response 24/7 365 days a year to BID radio users.
- ESU will assist Pubwatch/Shopwatch and street services to provide a safe and secure environment in the city centre.
- ESU will liaise with other council departments linked on the radio system to alert them of problems and issues in the area I.e. street cleansing teams.
- ESU will use the CCTV system in the city centre to track known offenders on banning orders, follow and track those of suspected of commuting offenders or causing ASB. They will liaise with BID radio users ti alert them to issues and will collect evidence of offences and incidents.
- ESU will liaise with Emergency Services during a serious incident in the city centre.
- ESU will liaise with the police to release footage of incidents that have occurred in the city centre.