Thousands of items are being handed out in Coventry City Centre to help people shop safer in the lead-up to Christmas.

Coventry Business Improvement District (BID) is hosting a series of crime prevention and safety days in the city centre and has invested in more than 12,000 items to give out to the public.
It is the second year that the BID has carried out the initiative but this year it has invested in additional items to cater for high demand.
Shoppers can access a free supply of more than 7,000 purse dipping bells, 4,500 credit card defenders, 1,000 purse cables and 1,000 secure shopping bags.
Events are taking place in the city centre to hand out the items and the first day saw thousands of items handed out.
The next event for shoppers to obtain the free safety items will be held by the foundation near Lower Precinct on Thursday, December 5 from 10am to 2pm.
The BID is also providing shoppers with advice and guidance on how to stay safe while Christmas shopping.
It comes as visitor numbers grow in the lead-up to Christmas, with late night shopping events taking place every Wednesday evening, and the Christmas market and big wheel bringing more people into the heart of Coventry.
The BID is also working with banks and building societies to ensure the safety items are handed out directly to their customers – in particular the credit card defenders, which help to prevent cyber-theft by acting as a digital defender against fraud.
Purse dipping bells and purse cables will also be available from banks across the city centre from Tuesday, December 3.
The city centre’s Retail BID Street Patrol will also be increasing their patrols for late night shopping to further deter and report crime and anti-social behaviour.
Joanne Glover, Chief Executive of Coventry BID, said: “Christmas is a magical time but also a time where thieves are more prevalent in city centres all across the country, so as a city we are seeking to lead the way in tackling this problem and ensure shoppers feel safe this festive period.
“We are working with our partners across the city centre to ensure the items are readily available to anyone who needs them.
“Our first event in the city centre was a huge success and we have one more to go, there was great feedback from shoppers and it presented a great opportunity to raise awareness and give advice too.
“There are some clear and easy actions to take to make it safer while you’re shopping, for example simple things such as ensuring you have a zip on your bag and it is zipped up.
“We’d urge shoppers to ask themselves the question of if they really need to take cash out from the bank, if you absolutely have to, make sure you are aware of your surroundings when doing so.
“Safety and security remain the highest priority for Coventry BID and the businesses in the city centre, and we will continue to expand our work in this area and will be working with West Midlands Police to ensure everyone has a safe and positive experience in the city centre this Christmas.”
To find out more about shopping in Coventry City Centre this Christmas visit